
2024 Literary Circus Booth Rental Agreement

Main Street Creatives, 36 S. Main St, Brighton CO 80601

June 7th 5:30-8:30pm (Set up can begin at 3pm)

Description of Booth:
Inside the big tent the booths are 8×8, outside the tent the booths are 10×10

Cost of a Booth:

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All vendors must keep their booths open through the end of the event, breakdown is at 8:30pm.  There are no refunds once you have paid your booth fee. BCAC will provide 1 table per booth rental and 2 chairs, if more chairs are needed please fill out how many above.  We cannot guarantee more than 2 will be available.  BCAC is not requiring proof of a sales tax license, all vendors are responsible for obtaining a sale tax license as needed. 

By clicking “Submit,” you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Brighton Cultural Arts Commission against all claims, demands, judgements, suits, or action for any injury, damage, or other liability alleged to have been sustained by any party out of participation in this event. 

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